2025 Board of Directors

MSRA BOARD MEETING is held the Tuesday before the second Thursday of each month. Board meetings are open to MSRA members in good standing. Per MSRA ByLaws – Article III Section 7, please notify a board member if you are attending. See your LineChaser for information on times and location.

John Wibbles #L5 and Tom Vollbrecht, Sr. #L280 serve as Trustees.
We can imagine former Trustees Jerry Johnson #L1, and Ron White #L4, have started a MSRA Heaven On Wheels club, and those MSRA members who have passed are all together cruising the heavens.

PARLIAMENTARIAN: A non-voting member of the Board of Directors appointed by the President for a two year term.

Questions? Contact Tom Vollbrecht, Sr. at tom.vollbrecht@msra.com


(Director photos provided by photographer Richard Novak #8810)