MSRA BOARD MEETING is held the Tuesday before the second Thursday of each month. Board meetings are open to MSRA members in good standing. Per MSRA ByLaws – Article III Section 7, please notify a board member if you are attending. See your LineChaser for information on times and location.
John Wibbles #L5 and Tom Vollbrecht, Sr. #L280 serve as Trustees.
We can imagine former Trustees Jerry Johnson #L1, and Ron White #L4, have started a MSRA Heaven On Wheels club, and those MSRA members who have passed are all together cruising the heavens.
PARLIAMENTARIAN: A non-voting member of the Board of Directors appointed by the President for a two year term.
Questions? Contact Tom Vollbrecht, Sr. at
(Director photos provided by photographer Richard Novak #8810)