Under the leadership of the NSRA MN Safety Director, Bill Kantos, the very knowledgeable and highly enthusiastic volunteer Safety Inspection Team has inspected 1000’s of vehicles and continuously places in the NSRA Top Ten of vehicles inspected each year. Thank you to all those who invite the MSRA Safety Team to inspect their vehicles!
MSRA/NSRA Safety Inspection Team is looking forward to a busy season! This is a free and very valuable service! MSRA and NSRA know that safe vehicles are a very important part of the street rodding sport. Both associations use the NSRA Safety Inspection sticker as a requirement for consideration of many awards. In MSRA, you must have a current NSRA safety sticker to be eligible for the Street Rod or Custom of the Year. If you have any questions about the NSRA Safety program, please contact your NSRA Safety representative.
Please watch for the MSRA Safety Inspection schedule on this webpage and in upcoming issues of the LineChaser.
Click here to view or download the Vehicle Safety Inspection Requirements.
The Team will be safety inspecting cars at many events during the year including Back to the 50’s Weekend. MSRA is very proud of what we believe is the BEST SAFETY INSPECTION TEAM in the nation!!
Ask them to take a look at your street rod or custom!
Information coming soon…
VE = MSRA Voting Event
SAFETY INSPECTION VIDEO: MSRA Safety Inspectors Joel Frary, Jim Green, Al Lucas, and Don Langseth (who was the NSRA MN Safety Director at that time) made a video of what the members of the safety team, as a second set of eyes, look at when they inspect your ride. This video was made in 2002, yet even today with all the improvements in technology the basics have not changed and remain the pivotal points in the inspection and safety of your vehicle. This is a FREE service that MSRA, in conjunction with NSRA, provides. Whether you have been driving your vehicle for years, or it is in the building process, below is a 22-minute Safety Inspection video we encourage you to view.